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Caring for your lawn this Summer

Caring for your Lawn this Summer

There is nothing quite like the look of a well-maintained lawn in Summer. We believe nice healthy grass should be a rich green colour, be able to withstand wear and tear, look attractive & have a dense texture throughout.


Please do not mow your lawn too closely, as it can damage the grass and leave bare patches. Although regular mowing improves your lawn quality by keeping weeds and other coarse grasses in check, mowing too close can facilitate the growth of moss in the bare patches exposed.

A handy little reference guide to use would be to cut weekly in the Summer with blades set lower and higher than in Spring and Autumn.


It is important to remove all clippings from the lawn as they can encourage weeds to spread and prevent light and air reaching the grass.


By keeping the edge of your lawn neatly trimmed, this can make a huge difference to its overall appearance. Each Spring you should re-cut the edge to give a sharp finish. Try to ensure you trim the grass edges every week while the grass is growing.

Feeding your Lawn

Your lawn grass responds to good care just as other plants do and it needs the same basic nutrients. See below summary:

  • Potash – for healthy, disease-resistant growth.
  • Nitrogen – for blade growth and improved colour.
  • Phosphates – for a vigorous root growth

Because the cycle of growth and cutting starves the lawn of nutrients, it is essential to feed the grass. Without feeding, grass becomes sparse, pale and unhealthy allowing weeds and moss to gain a hold.

Weed and Moss Control

If you have the double problem of weeds and moss, use a Feed Weed & Mosskiller, which is a practical, efficient way to eradicate weeds and moss, and give your lawn a good feed, in a simple one-step application.

This will save you time, effort in the long run and is less punishing for your lawn. So, here's to a gorgeous summer enjoying our lawns and gardens!

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