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Top Tips To Cut Your Household Waste

Top Tips To Cut Your Household Waste

With the new pay by weight bin charges on the horizon coupled with our own concerns on how we can stop valuable land being turned into landfill and us wanting to reduce greenhouse gases, we compiled some top tips to cut your household waste.

Top Tips to Cut Your Household Waste

  • Get all the family involved and stress the importance of recycling to our environment.
  • Switch to reusable water bottles & tea/coffee mugs instead of the disposable alternative.
  • Bring your own re-usable shopping bags and refuse the plastic bags you may get offered in retail stores.
  • Resell old items on shopping sites such as eBay, Gumtree, Done deal.
  • Donate old clothes, furniture, and other accessories to charity shops.
  • We all know how to recycle our main household waste, but try source locations where you can recycle batteries, bulbs, mobile phones etc... usually your local recycling centre will take all of these items.
  • Re purpose old items, e.g. old clothes can make good dusters, think before you throw these things away.
  • Use your organic bin for all organic waste including garden clippings and food leftovers. You can keep this bin clean by buying special organic bin liners.
  • Think about investing in a no junk mail sticker for your letterbox. If you are not reading it, no need to receive it.
  • Reduce the amount of chemicals and plastic waste in your home by making your own natural cleaners. Mix one part water with one part vinegar and a squeeze of lemon juice for an effective all-purpose cleaner.

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