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Creative Ways to Entertain the Kids This Winter

Creative Ways to Entertain the Kids This Winter

As the novelty wears off the new toys Santy has brought, boredom sets in. Add to this cabin fever with the unpredictable weather we have been having so we thought it an idea to identify some creative ways to entertain the kids this winter inside your home.

  1. Get them involved in baking or cooking with you, if you cook their favourites, they will help.
  2. Play hide & Seek or treasure hunts – maybe with a novelty treat for the winner.
  3. Play Cards , board games or quizzes.
  4. Encourage them to read a book or story.
  5. Play charades with them.
  6. Indoor gardening – maybe plant sunflower seeds that will easily grow & bloom.
  7. Get Art & Crafty – maybe paint a picture, create a scrapbook, colour or draw, or use playdough.

Have loads of fun!

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