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5 Ways Pet Owners are More Content & Healthier - Choice Stores

5 Ways Pet Owners are More Content & Healthier

Pets have a special place in Irish homes with nearly half of the adult population over the age of 50 (45%) owning at least one. We make our pets feel like one of the family and in some cases, they are treated as well as children in the home. It goes without saying that having a pet adds extra responsibilities on their owners, feeding, grooming, housing to name but a few, but did you know that your pet is also a significant contributor to its owners mental and physical well-being?

Let’s discuss 5 ways that pet owners may be more content and indeed healthier, this applies to dog owners, cat owners or any other beloved creature you call your pet.

Relieve Stress and anxiety

Petting or playing with your pet can prove to be an excellent way of relieving daily stress or anxiety naturally. Your dog, cat or whatever your pet may be, does not expect too much from you, they want to be loved as they love their owners…Sure, who doesn’t want unconditional love without too many strings attached? Our furry friends can offer a great source of stress relief, reduce anxiety, and even give your overburdened immune system a boost.

More Optimistic

Getting outdoors for a walk or just some exercise, with your pet definitely can help with your overall mental health. A healthier body can mean a healthier mind and when you feel more content, you generally have a more optimistic outlook on life in general

Better Heart Health

Pet owners can come with a number of benefits for your mental health but getting out in the open when exercising your pet regularly can improve your heart and cardiovascular health. This coupled with less stress and anxiety could reduce the possibility of a heart attack for pet owners.

A more organised routine & enhanced social interaction

With dogs being real creatures of habit, for example, mealtimes at certain times, evening walks, pets can bring an element of routine to your day. This more organised structure around what your pets exercise and feeding habits (they love their pet food) could prove beneficial in your own home life in terms of pushing you to get more regular exercise and eating at regular times.

Plus with this more organised routine, it could help open more social interaction with other pet owners or people you meet when out walking frequently as you may become more familiar with them and have a chat when you meet.

Feel less lonely

Not only does having a pet improve the opportunities to meet fellow minded people but they are great companions at home, especially if you live alone. Pets are great listeners, don’t judge and will always be there for you, no matter what you do.

We believe there is no better feeling than being met by your best friend when you walk through the door after being out of the home to that unconditional loving feeling you get when your pet hears or sees you coming. Pet Owners Bliss!

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