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tips to protet your home during freezing weather

Tips to Protect Your Home During Freezing Weather

With these current freezing weather conditions, it's important we protect our homes from the possible problems that may arise. Here are some tips to have your home as Winter Cosy Ready as possible and potentially prevent costly repairs.

1. Repair freezing taps

Repair any dripping taps as they have the potential to freeze and block your pipes during this cold snap.

2. Insulate your pipes, attic & water tank

The best way to keep on top of pipes during the winter is to protect them with a foam layer (called lagging) which will help to prevent them freezing and bursting. Typically, you can save near €200 per year on your energy bills by having insulation installed, according to the SEAI. Around a quarter of heat in your house is lost through the roof, so insulating the loft is a good place to begin. Cavity wall insulation is also worth considering.

3. Clear your gutters and drains

Clearing the gutters and drains is an essential task. Debris such as leaves and mud can block the drains and once it becomes too much, it can cause leaks into the roof and walls. Making sure the gutters are clear from any possible build-up will minimise the risk of water and frost damage.

4. Block draughts

Block draughts from windows, external and internal doors, skirting, attic hatches, and pipes or cables passing through walls.

5. Close doors and draw curtains

Draw the curtains at dusk and close internal doors to unheated rooms.

6. Get your boiler serviced and/or chimney cleaned

Get your heating appliances serviced, or your chimneys swept to make sure your fire burns efficiently. Make sure to install a carbon monoxide alarm with the increased usage of fuel during this period.

7. Ensure radiators are clear and bled

Keep your radiators clear from furniture our items placed on top of them, as blockage can prevent the efficient flow of heat in your rooms. Check your radiators regularly for cold spots and if needed bleed them.

8. Stock up on fuel or heating supply

Have an adequate supply of fuel for heating/cooking and if possible, a suitable alternative should the main supply fail.

9. Thermostat setting

Set your heating to 18–21°C to keep your bills low, and to come on earlier and go off later rather than turning the thermostat up.

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